Organized by China Foreign Trade Corporation at Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center,The 44th CIFF rounded off Last week.This fair has 1500 exhibitors and 150766 visitors from both domestic and international.
With the subject “HOME” for this autumn edition CIFF,we,NB North Bayou was continuous to promote our ergonomics products.F80,F160,BT15,ST15,etc.All the desk full motion,fast lifting products are for enhancing people wellness,healthy life-style.
Located at hall 7.2 No.B51,our NB products attracted numerous of visitors to our booth.They praised our concepts of ergonomics and agreed that our products could bring a new life for people and our desk ergonomics products could benefit a lot of people.
Although the 44th CIFF has rounded off,we NB are still on the way to promote our NB ergonomics products.The next fair is Japan 4th work-style Innovation Expo(13-15th, Nov 2019).Please mark your calendar and come to experience the ergonomics products with NB North Bayou.